Activities. Go to the Wikipedia article about critical thinking and spend an hour or so reading the material and linked materials it provides. Feel free to read any other materials you wish on this topic.
Then visit The Critical Thinking Community website. It is run by Richard Paul, a long time leader in the critical thinking movement. Two provisos about the Paul material:
- Paul focuses a good deal on education, as well as on the needs of teachers who are trying to find ways to infuse instruction with his critical thinking concepts. Thus, he makes a number of references to this focus. However, his principles are widely applicable and translate easily to any profession.
- Paul is trying to sell his services. You will see advertisements for materials and workshops throughout his material. While this doesn't devalue his contribution, be aware of the fact that you are being pitched a service. That is, use critical thinking as you assess what it is he has to say.
Felix discussion. Go to the Felix Forum to discuss the following question: What are the two or three most important qualities of critical thinking that you discerned from your activities this week? How will they impact your work as a media psychologist? Respond to this question, as well as at least three other posts from colleagues. Discussion concludes Saturday night.
ePortfolio posting. For your post this week, please use the heading “A definition of critical thinking,” or something similar. In a minimum of 2-3 paragraphs, post a definition of critical thinking that you have cultivated as a result of this activity. What are your “take-away” realizations as a result of this activity? As always, feel free to note any biases you suspect in the materials that were used. e-Portfolio postings must be completed by Sunday evening.
Extra links, materials for your consideration
Professor Dowden's critical thinking materials:
Other links:
- A working definition by Michael Scriven and Richard Paul
- The 7 Qualities of a Critical Thinker by Janet Mills, posted on the Economic Opportunity Agency's web site
("thinking woman" photo appears through a paid clipart.com subscription)